Saturday, December 6, 2014

Axe on Social Media

If an AXE Gift Pack isn’t on your shopping list today, go back to bed.

     As you may have noticed, many companies have been using social media to advertise online. Having a twitter or a tumblr account for a brand is a quick and cheap way to get people to notice your product. Advertisers even pay to have "sponsored" posts, which show up on your feed whether you follow them or not. Encountering a sponsored post that caught my attention, I followed the links to the Axe blog. The blog makes posts to advertise products, like the eye-catching/eye-straining gif you see above. This blog and many like it are just another attempt to "break out of the clutter". Many target demographics and psychographics, like teens, can be reached on social media. Social media is also a medium we have yet to associate with advertising, unlike TV.
     Despite attempts to assimilate into social media culture, I still think of accounts like this as advertisements. I would probably never follow an account like this. If I wanted to see an ad, I'd be watching TV or staring at a billboard.


  1. The funny thing is this totally works! Even though axe smells like sh*t there are still hormonal teenage boys that see these ads/commercials and think "Maybe Stacy from Algebra will like me if I use chocolate Axe" even though Stacy will want to go no where near him because he smells like he took a bath in bleach and chocolate. Poor teenage boys.

    1. Thats totally true. All the ads need to do is associate axe with this magical love potion that attracts supermodels and they're flying off the shelves!
